ANIMALPROFI – is an educational project for professionals in veterinary medicine and animal husbandry

Successfully organized Forums

Cities IN RUSSIA and CIS

Specialists participate every year

Participants have joined the ANIMALPROFI project
The ANIMALPROFI project includes:

International cruise forums: their participants go on a 3-day educational trip on a comfortable cruise ship along the Volga River. As part of the business program, current issues and industry trends are discussed.
Regional forums are held in cities with developed livestock and poultry farming. The program of each forum is prepared taking into account the economic specifics of each region.
Online resource: On animalprofi.ru website you will find the Forum materials: video lectures, speakers’ presentations. Use the contact database to continue communication with your colleagues and forum experts.

Who is the target audience of the ANIMALPROFI project?
Farm directors and managers
Livestock and feeding specialists of major farms
Leading veterinarians
Opinion leaders, industry experts
Unique two-way communication format

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